FC Slovan Liberec | Report: Příbram - Liberec 1:3
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Fortuna League, Round 6: 1. FK Příbram vs. FC Slovan Liberec 1:3

Věra Novotná
Fortuna League, Round 6: 1. FK Příbram vs. FC Slovan Liberec 1:3
6.kolo, Saturday 25.8.2018, 17:00
Příbram Příbram
Příbram: Švenger - Nový, Nitrianský, Soldát, Skácel (C) (69. Rezek) - Fantiš, Hlúpik, Matoušek, Kilián (65. Antwi), Katidis (46. Květ) - Slepička. Substitutes: Kočí, Keita, Antwi, Kodr, Květ, Průcha, Rezek
Liberec: Hladký - Mikula, Vuklišević, Karafiát, Kačaraba - Breite (C), Mara - Malinský (82. Koscelník), Ševčík (89. Nešický), Potočný - Mashike (73. Oršula) Substitutes: Nguyen, Koscelník, Nešický, Oscar, Pešek, Pázler, Oršula
Goals: 33. Malinský, 54. Potočný, 79. Oršula - 50. Matoušek. Yellow cards: 19. Mashike. Referees: Nenadál - Pospíšil, Flimmel. Attendance: 4676


The beginning of the match between Příbram and Liberec showed its toughness from the very beginning. Referee used his whistle for several times in the first three minutes. First big chance in the Příbram´s side came in the 14th minute as Hladký found Slepička, who´s shot missed Liberec´s net.

Action that was more dangerous came on the other side. Mashike´s attemp came into the net after a little help from the bar, but first goal was not admitted because of the offside. Many chances could be seen in this match, but none of them ended with a goal.

First change in a score came when Tomáš Malinský found a space between the Švenger´s legs. Malinský could even added the second goal, but Švengr was ready at this time. With the beginning of the second half, Příbram tied the score. Jan Matoušek was faster than Slovan´s defense and he was able to surprise Hladký from the angle. Slovan found a quick answer as Roman Potočný stopped the ball in the line of the box and scored a goal with a sharp shot.

The pressure was still very big and both teams wanted to show their best. At the end Slovan Liberec took three points. The third goal came from Filip Oršula and it was the first goal in Slovan´s jersey for him. The result was clear, but both teams need to take credit for their play.

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